1. Stay Hydrated: In the summer months, it's important to stay hydrated to support weight loss and overall health. Drinking plenty of water, herbal tea, or unsweetened coconut water can help you stay cool and hydrated.
2. Incorporate Seasonal Produce: Summer is a great time to incorporate fresh, seasonal produce into your diet. Fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, berries, cucumbers, and leafy greens are low in calories and high in fiber, which can help support weight loss.
3. Get Active Outdoors: Take advantage of the warm weather and longer days by getting active outdoors. Walking, hiking, swimming, and playing sports are all great ways to stay active while enjoying the summer season.
4. Practice Portion Control at Summer Gatherings: Summer barbecues, picnics, and parties can be challenging for those trying to lose weight. Practice portion control by filling half your plate with vegetables and choosing lean protein options.
5. Limit Alcohol Consumption: Summer often involves more social events and outdoor gatherings where alcohol is present. Drinking too much alcohol can hinder weight loss efforts and contribute to dehydration. Limit your alcohol consumption and choose low-calorie options like wine spritzers or vodka with club soda and lime.
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